Our Misssions
Driven by technological advancements, the pandemic, and new K-12 educational reforms termed "The New Curriculum", Taiwan's Ministry of Education has launched a pioneering initiative: ‘The XPlorer Project: A University Competency-Based Education Initiative in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the New Normal Society’. Spanning 2022 to 2025, this interdisciplinary, multi-year pilot project is among the nation's first to enhance the first-year university experience (hereafter as “FYE”) for the "new normal" society.

We are committed to achieving the following goals:
For Students: Enhance the first-year experiences for students and facilitate a smooth transition into and excel throughout their educational journey.
For Educators: Cultivate professional communities dedicated to advancing methods and pedagogy and fostering inter-university collaboration through both practical application and scholarly discussions. Emphasis will be placed on promoting self-directed learning and applying generative AI technologies.
For Communities: Build an interdisciplinary network that connects professionals in higher education who specializes in FYE with first-year students to provide guidance in navigating the transition into and throughout their educational journey.
Our Strategies
Our strategic approach to realizing the ambitious goals of The XPlorer Project is designed to unfold in stages, each building upon the success of the previous ones while making adjustments to ensure a comprehensive and effective implementation.
Phase One (2022-2024) initiated the transformative journey, introducing institutional and college-level strategies across 11 pioneering universities. This initial phase laid solid groundwork by integrating innovative FYE practices and fostering a supportive environment for change. As we progress, Phase Two (2024-2026) aims to broaden our impact by incorporating 12 additional universities. This expansion extends our reach and deepens our commitment to enhancing FYE on a larger scale.
Phase One Project Teams (2022-2024)